Cycling Stuff Cyclocross Exercise Healthy Living

Participation is cross…

Only one more weekend of cyclocross remains. Sundays have been so good. Community, participation, challenge, support and togetherness all are appropriate words. There are few sports where the whole family participates. Sunday cross begins in the AM and races go all day. Women, junior’s, 3 categories of men and then even the pro’s each get […]

Atrial fibrillation Cycling Stuff General Medicine Health Care Healthy Living

Observations from the Outback…

November marks the annual American Heart Association (AHA) meeting. This is one of the few major heart meetings each year. AHA focuses on the newest technologies for the treatment of ongoing cardiac disease. Termed, “secondary prevention,” this year there were studies on implantable devices for heart failure, new blood thinners to assist in the squishing […]

Cycling Stuff Cyclocross Reflection

On Junior Sports. Think. Balance.

Some say unsolicited advice is self serving. Of course it is, but, here in lies the beauty of a blog. Although our fall campaign of cross racing brings mostly joy, yesterday, Staci and I was troubled by our observations of the junior race. The race director, Kyle Wingler was nice enough to ask me how […]

Cycling Stuff Cyclocross Reflection

Sundays with friends. And, a product review…

Weekend travels expand our experiences. Along with some random observations, today marks a first for drjohnm, my first product review. Friends. I stand corrected, Cat, friends are not over rated. This is are traveling crew. I ask at dinner, “Hey John May, what’s up with driving so fast?” The young and very quiet Charlotte May […]

Cycling Stuff

Those elusve “good legs”

I first learned of this phrase a few years ago in a Days Inn lobby in McMinnville, TN. My first race on the Papa John’s team-as a “guest rider.” On the drive down, Steve and Bill told me that when I walked in and met Tim, he would say : “I think I have good […]

Cycling Stuff Reflection

Darryl’s tree… A fitting memorial to a lost friend.

On a stunningly beautiful Autumn evening with the sun setting over Seneca Park, a number of Darryl’s friends and family gathered near the Cannons Lane/Pee Wee Reese intersection for a memorial tree planting. Under the leadership of my friend and teammate, Glenn Homza, a swamp white oak was planted in Darryl’s honor. Darryl Benefiel was […]

Cycling Stuff Cyclocross Reflection

Sundays are more than just cycling…

Sundays in the fall means cross racing: today, at the Gun Club in Miamiville OH. The famous podcaster, John G, and company put on a nice show. Racing wise, my story is not so good- a dropped chain, flat tire and not so good legs. “Not so good legs” is cyclist speak for just not […]

Cycling Stuff

A Proud Member of the Louisville Community am I. Thank You!!

I know that some readers wish not to hear cycling all the time. Sorry, but this weekend was the USGP. One of the nurses I work with calls cross my “motocross thing.” The USGP is the largest cyclocross race series in America. Cyclocross is the fastest growing cycling discipline. Think cross country on bikes. This […]

Cycling Stuff Reflection

Congrats to my good friend, Flower

Friends are good. Today was the USGP. A big day for us bike racers. My teammates Erik and Mike raced with me in the 45+ Masters race. As expected their was a huge crowd of many folks we know. Mike is riding great. He even has a white leaders jersey. Yep, just like in the […]

Cycling Stuff Exercise Reflection

Cold weather and exercise…

The winter season is just around the corner. Exercising outdoors now becomes a little trickier. As a trained observer, it was obvious that many cyclocross racers were over dressed. I saw many red faces from head gear or tights and long sleeves. Saw the same things while coaching Cross Country running. It was a brisk […]

Cycling Stuff Healthy Living

The Evening Ride.

(I am writing in the early am; hmm?) The act of riding a bike is rewarding, but there is so much more. Make it a mountain bike and things improve greatly. The trail is a car free sanctuary. The fall colors, the crispness in the air, squirrels foraging around and the thoughts of the upcoming […]