Doctoring General Cardiology General Medicine Health Care Reform

The PCSK9 Drugs — Epic success or epic failure?

This week, an FDA advisory committee recommended approval for the potent cholesterol-lowering drugs, evolocumab and alirocumab. The funny-sounding medications are called PCSK-9 inhibitor drugs. (Keep reading; I’ll tell you more.) Advisory committee members felt the benefits of the drugs outweighed the potential risks, especially in high-risk patients, such as those with Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH). The […]

AF ablation Atrial fibrillation Cycling Stuff Doctoring Exercise General Medicine Health Care Health Care Reform ICD/Pacemaker Reflection Social Media/Writing/Blogging

Update: Baltimore, Safety in AF ablation, Podcasts, and some personal notes

On Baltimore: Human beings rioting in the streets of an American city forced cancellation of an important cardiology meeting. This is a vivid example that doctors do not practice in a vacuum. We are connected to this world. Here in Louisville, just a few miles north, an HIV crisis runs amok because of IV drug […]

AF ablation Doctoring General Medicine Health Care Healthy Living

Why don’t people ask their doctors more questions?

I do not get it. Day in and day out, I ask patients why they take a medicine. Many do not know. “My doctor put me on it,” goes the common response. Take statin drugs, for example. I often ask a person why they are taking the drug? With rare exception, the person says it […]

AF ablation Athletic heart Atrial fibrillation Doctoring General Medicine Health Care Reform Hospice/Palliative Care ICD/Pacemaker Reflection

Update: Social justice of AF care, NOAC monitoring, population health and two new podcasts

Hi All, Here is a short update of the past week. The first thing to say is the Atrial Fibrillation Care: Put the Catheter (and Rx Pad) Down post has gotten a lot of attention. It stayed on the most popular list all week. It has over a 130 comments, and I have received many […]

Atrial fibrillation Doctoring General Medicine Health Care Health Care Reform Knowledge

The trick of hope — and the medical decision

Last night, during the intro show for the PBS documentary, Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies, a Ken Burns film based on the book by Siddhartha Mukherjee, Katie Couric interviews both Ken Burns and Dr. Mukherjee. The moment occurred about 10 minutes into the video. There is a poignant scene in which two young parents […]

AF ablation Atrial fibrillation Doctoring General Ablation General Cardiology General Medicine Health Care Health Care Reform Healthy Living Knowledge Social Media/Writing/Blogging

Writing update: Lown Institute Conference and ACC2015

Hi all, I have been busy in the last few weeks. Here is an update of my happenings and posts. From March 8-11, I attended and presented at the third annual Lown Institute Conference in San Diego. I have never felt more at home in a conference than I did at the Lown conference. Take […]

AF ablation Atrial fibrillation Doctoring General Medicine Healthy Living

The right care for patients with atrial fibrillation

I am in San Diego to participate in the Lown Institute Road to Right Care: Engage, Organize, Transform conference. It is an honor to be included in a conference that has “right care” in its title. Tomorrow, Dr. David Martin (Lahey Clinic) and I will co-present a case-based session on the overuse and misuse of […]

AF ablation Athletic heart Atrial fibrillation Doctoring General Medicine Health Care Healthy Living Social Media/Writing/Blogging

Athletes, AF, Anticoagulants, Statins, Peanuts, and Dishwashers

Here is an update on my recent writing. Athletes and AF: I was honored to be invited back to the Western AF symposium in Park City, Utah. Last year, I presented on social media. This year, Dr. Nassir Marrouche (University of Utah) asked me to tackle the topic of atrial fibrillation in athletes. This is […]

AF ablation Doctoring General Medicine Health Care Healthy Living Nutrition Social Media/Writing/Blogging

Medicine, lifestyle disease and the pool-safety post

What follows is an introduction to my most recent post on | Medscape Cardiology. It was published yesterday. Many of the comments are excellent. The link is at the end of this post. You might wonder what pool-safety has to do with lifestyle disease. Here is how they relate: I am currently reading an […]

General Cardiology General Medicine Health Care Health Care Reform

A scary new medical intervention…

This is a story about a new medical intervention. It’s an important story because it affects all doctors—and therefore all patients. 1. It’s expensive. Of course. 2. There is no credible evidence that it works. But its marketing is aggressive. 3. The overwhelming majority of physicians disapprove of it. 4. Cheaper alternatives exist. 5. The […]

Cycling Stuff Cycling Wed Cyclocross Exercise General Medicine Health Care Healthy Living

Will wearables and other gadgets make us healthier?

Is good health really all that digital? I am not so sure. I am a skeptic. I realize this is a risky thing to say these days. It’s hard to bet against Apple. And It was only seconds after Tweeting such doubt that John Nosta, an expert in digital health technology, tweeted back: @drjohnm Health […]