Cycling Wed Healthy Living Nutrition

Cycling Wed: Will eating nuts make you smarter?

Let’s talk about eating fat. And being smart. Or as my refined readers say…having good cognitive function. Seriously, if you are a cyclist, runner, or triathlete the next most important thing after muscular endurance and strength is brainpower. And the brain isn’t just important for filling time during those long intervals when deceleration incidents force […]

Cycling Wed

CW: What makes us happy?

This will have to be a short one tonight. I’m getting ready to unleash a fury of words and opinions on matters of the heart rhythm. A respite now. I came across this highly tweeted piece on how much salary we require to be happy. It turns out that 50,000$ per year acts as a […]

Atrial fibrillation Cycling Wed Healthy Living Reflection

CW: A hand surgeon’s view of non-adherent patients…

Tonight, in the true spirit of cycling blogs, I will tell you a story. (We definitely need to lighten things up a bit.) Consider yourself warned. It is a saga of a cat-like mountain biker, who is also a heart specialist and perhaps a less than ideal patient. But first, you may be wondering why […]

Athletic heart Atrial fibrillation Cycling Wed General Cardiology

CW: My Athlete’s Heart Podcast

I recently had the pleasure of doing a podcast with Rob Orman, an ER doctor and fellow cyclocross racer from Oregon. As Dr. Orman says, we discuss the broad intersection of sports and Cardiology. Of course they intersect; there shall be no sport without a good heart. In the 35 minute conversation, we discussed the […]

Cycling Wed Healthy Living Nutrition

CW: The Monday Struggle…

Mondays are the toughest. For you too? I can’t seem to stop. That’s the problem. It’s not the starting; it’s pushing away from the table. Do you talk to yourself? Do you ask yourself whether that extra bag of chips, M & M’s or cookie will help or hurt you? Fifteen minutes after eating that […]

Cycling Wed

Cycling Wed: Hope for the stiff and aging athlete

Hey (Masters-aged) Athletes, I’m with you. Birthdays are tough. You feel old. Your body creaks. I know. I feel your pain. I, too, ride with youngers who sprint, climb and otherwise float past effortlessly. I’m thinking to myself as they shoot off the front, easily cutting through a crosswind or stomping up a hill…”Hey, where […]

Cycling Wed Healthy Living

CW: When old (primordial) news makes big news.

It’s 2012 already. Time flies; doesn’t it? It seems like just yesterday when… I started this business more than two decades ago. A time when cell phones hadn’t even graced James Bond movies; we got up to change the channel on TV and the world health concern of the moment was a Hunger Games-like scenario […]

Cycling Wed Healthy Living inflammation Nutrition

Cycling Wed: Does drinking soda cause heart attacks?

A recent trial suggesting that men who drink sugary beverages increase their heart attack risk by 20% was covered extensively in the mainstream media. There’s a lot of liquid sugar consumed around here. I have two rules about drinking this stuff… My criteria for indulging: greater than three hours on the bike, or after any […]

Cycling Wed Healthy Living Nutrition

CW: How complicated is good nutrition?

It feels like cheating. Taking care of heart patients teaches you tons about wellness. Figuring out stuff in Medicine means observing its many patterns. And one such highly repetitive theme is how healthy older patients defy the ravages of aging. Take the 90 year-old man I saw recently. He was about perfect: big blue eyes […]

Cycling Wed Healthy Living

CW: Three new Statin safety issues

I can’t help myself. The draw is so strong. It’s simply not possible to stay silent on the recent news about statins. Yesterday, the FDA announced important changes in the safety language that comes in the package insert of statin drugs. (I’m late to the show here, as twenty-four hours is an eternity in medical […]

Cycling Wed Healthy Living ICD/Pacemaker Uncategorized

ICD recalls, Social Media and Preventing Heart Disease

I can’t possible write two posts tonight. Therefore, please consider this Cycling Wed post a mosaic. (I like that word, don’t you? Give me a break smarties.) Seriously… Today, my friend and fellow heart rhythm doctor Jay Schloss (Cincinnati) published this meticulous and well-balanced essay concerning the recent recall of St Jude Medical’s Riata defibrillator […]