AF ablation Atrial fibrillation ICD/Pacemaker inflammation

Recap of 2015 European Heart Rhythm Association Meeting — Milan

I recently returned home from Milan, Italy. I was covering the 2015 European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) sessions. My favorite part of the congress, as it always is with medical meetings, was connecting with old friends, and making new friends. I had coffee, lunch or dinner with colleagues from Australia, Netherlands, France, Italy, Belgium, Frankfurt, […]

AF ablation Atrial fibrillation Healthy Living Nutrition

Major breakthrough in AF ablation

A study published recently in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology will change a way of thinking about the disease atrial fibrillation. And it’s about time. One word describes AF therapy in the past decade: plateau. Ten years have passed and we have no new drugs and no real breakthrough in AF ablation. […]

AF ablation Atrial fibrillation Doctoring General Cardiology Social Media/Writing/Blogging

Review of the 2014 ESC Sessions in Barcelona

Hey Everyone, It’s been a few days since I returned home from Spain. The jet leg has resolved and normal sleep patterns have returned. I’ve had time to review the entire ESC program book. What follows is a review of my work and some notes on the past week in Barcelona. The first thing to […]

AF ablation General Cardiology

EuroPace 2013 wrap up — A major study on AF ablation and the limits of gene testing in Cardiology

I’m writing this from home. The travel back was uneventful and I actually got a little caught up in the office Friday. It was a fun trip but getting back to doctoring felt good. Atrial Fibrillation ablation: The Gap-AF trial was released as the lead late-breaker at EuroPace 2013. There were many remarkable (‘they-really-did-that’ sort […]

AF ablation Atrial fibrillation

Catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation — New Trials and Fibrillation post up at

The treatment of atrial fibrillation continues to encompass a greater percentage of my practice. Sometimes I feel less like a cardiologist and more like an afib-ologist. The persistently rapid growth of this disease in our population boggles my mind. Really folks, this is not hyperbole; this is fact. Like all things cardiac, the focus is […]

AF ablation Atrial fibrillation

Day 2 Boston AF symposium: Late morning and afternoon notes:

The late-morning sessions addressed the possible mechanism(s) of AF. Many ask what causes AF. The assumption holds that if we can ablate AF, we must know what causes it. This would not be true. One line of thinking holds that disorganized electrical conduction throughout the atria plays an important role–not just focal drivers and initiators […]

AF ablation Atrial fibrillation

Day 2 at Boston AF symposium: Morning notes

Dr. Frank Marchlinski moderated the first sessions: The global topic involved pulmonary vein reconnections. This is the bane of AF ablation. Our inability to broach the 80% success rates has most to do with the fact that PVs don’t stay isolated. Everyone wants to enhance the durability of PV isolation. Nassir Marrouche spoke about what […]

AF ablation Athletic heart Atrial fibrillation Cycling Wed Uncategorized

CW: Treating atrial fibrillation in athletes: Tough choices

The number of emails that come from fellow cyclists (and endurance athletes) with heart rhythm issues amazes me. I am more convinced than ever that our “hobby” predisposes us to electrical issues like atrial fibrillation (AF)—that the science is right. Obviously, my pedaling “habit” creates an exposure bias. I hear from many of you because […]

Atrial Fibrillation (according to Dr John M)

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common heart rhythm disorder–by a long shot.  It affects–and often afflicts–millions.  AF is the most common heart-related reason for hospital admission. In America, more than 1 in 4 individuals will have AF in their lifetime. Yet even more remarkable than the vastness of AF’s prevalence is its diversity.  AF […]

AF ablation Atrial fibrillation

Misleading information in AF-ablation

True or False: Local TV “health reporting” is a reliable source of medical information? Let me tell you a story, as a hint. Just when one thinks mainstream media cannot sink much lower, we witness this fantastically misleading and sophomoric reporting, on the complex treatment options for atrial fibrillation.  Their moniker says that they are “working for […]

AF ablation Atrial fibrillation Healthy Living

Alcohol and atrial fibrillation: questions, conflicts and choices…

Have you ever had a cold beer after a mountain bike ride? Oh my! But does such indulgence put one at risk for an arrhythmia? Does alcohol exacerbate an existing arrhythmia? How much, if any, alcohol is acceptable? These are questions I am asked frequently.  And for those asking, they are very important questions. I […]