Atrial fibrillation Health Care Health Care Reform

A good plan denied…

Smart doctors will take help from wherever it lurks. Today, advice on doctoring came from an unlikely and well-camouflaged source. (I always ask: “where are you talking to me from?”) He was advising me from a warm cubicle in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  It was a paternalistic male voice—another doctor, he said. Obviously, he was savvy, disguising […]

Cycling Wed Healthy Living inflammation Nutrition

Cycling Wed: Losing weight with a Twinkie diet

“Hey…where did those cupcakes go?” Like a never-ending western North Carolina climb where each switchback reveals another uphill, and the finish is shielded by tall pines, the struggle to lose weight and to stay lean is incessant. In wrestling weight gain competitive cyclists share the same mat as ‘regular’ Americans. Like jockeys, all competitive bike […]

Doctoring Reflection

Friday’s reflections: How hard does a head whack have to be to make a cardiologist nice?

How long did Henry’s revelation last? How long did he stay “nice” after his head injury. For me, it has only been 5 days since  “I whacked my head so hard, it turned me nice.” The frenetic pace this week, and especially today, has been a real test of such ‘concussive niceness.’ In doctoring, weeks […]

Atrial fibrillation General Medicine

Atrial Fibrillation and NSAIDs

Sunday nights in Autumn means one thing for this doctor-cyclocross racer: aches and pains.  Tonight, just as the thought popped into my head: “a few Alleve(s) probably wouldn’t fire up that reflux very much,”  I hear from the computer room… “Hey John, how much alleve were you taking when you had your AF,” asked my […]

Cycling Stuff Cycling Wed inflammation

Cycling Wed: Ironman isn’t that dumb…

It is Wednesday.  Time to write on a cycling topic. My home town, Louisville, KY, on the northern side of America’s obesity belt has shown some flickers of enlightenment these days. Labor day, we had the Mayor’s hike and bike.  This drew 7500 cyclists and walkers. These twice yearly (Memorial and Labor Day) cycling events […]

Cycling Stuff Cycling Wed Healthy Living inflammation

A “good” heart…

This Wednesday it will be easy to combine cycling and medicine. So it was when I saw this prescient story that linked antagonistic personality traits and cardiovascular risk. It was simply impossible to ignore, especially on a Wednesday. Low hanging fruit, no doubt. It was an NIH sponsored study which looked at the effects of antagonistic […]


To connect or not…

In the discovery of social media, I am still an intern, not yet even a year has passed since the first day of knowing this new world of connectivity. The cabin in the woods has no internet.  Tsali, otherwise known as mountain bike heaven, does not even have cell phone service, at least for us […]

inflammation Reflection

Have a heart America…

As an American, I was proud when I heard the news.  I grinned to myself. It was on my way to work, through a beautiful city park, with the sun rising over the hillside.  The morning radio program reported the news that a California judge overturned their state’s ban on gay marriage. I know what you […]

Cycling Stuff Cycling Wed Reflection

Cycling Wed: Taking tests in life is a choice…

Do you remember the visceral sensations of angst over an upcoming final exam? Or the first procedure as an independent doctor. A major presentation, perhaps. Life’s exams test not only specific knowledge and skill, but one’s self-esteem as well. And it is the self-esteem portion that creates the stomach churn, the palpitations and the random […]

Doctoring Health Care Health Care Reform inflammation


The man on the other line sits in a cubicle in a far-away city. He is a physician, another “provider,” as we are called on their website.  The accent is British (how ironic), and his voice suggests to a trained observer, he is older. All I wanted to do was a simple stress test with […]

Cycling Stuff Cycling Wed Reflection

Cycling Wednesdays: #7: How many pegs do you hang your self-esteem on?

“Older” athletes often ask me what else they can do to prevent heart disease.  As, by virtue of their athletic lifestyle, most have none of the usual cardiac risk factors.  High blood pressure, smoking, diabetes and obesity are infrequent concerns for the competitive athlete. A more vexing, and highly intangible problem for those who compete […]