AF ablation Doctoring Reflection

Friday Reflection: What if ‘they’ start winning?

The chart reads, “here for 6-month AF ablation follow-up.” My eyes track first to the palpitations box. None. Then the ECG. Regular. Good. That’s a relief. Sweet! Knowing he was free of symptoms and in regular rhythm, I bounced into the room. “How are you?” He looked well. Observe. Always observing, us doctors. I just got […]

Doctoring Reflection

Doing…not comparing

Whenever a patient asks whether they can exercise, or go here, or there, I liken it to them asking whether they can live life. My answer is always the same…YES. The alternative seems terrible. In this regard, moving on in the face of illness, let me share with you the writings of a very famous […]

Doctoring Reflection

The power of positive feedback: Making the Top Docs list

It happened. My 21-year old cycling teammate called to give me the “good” news. I made it. Clayton said I could now call myself a Top Doc. After practicing medicine for 15 years in the little known sub-sub-specialty of cardiac electrophysiology, this was my first Top Docs mention. Of course, I know this non-evidenced based […]

Doctoring General Medicine Reflection

An under-appreciated “specialty”

Today I would like to say thanks to a group of colleagues that too often go un-thanked. These would be my hospital-based internal medicine friends: hospitalists are what they are called. This idea came to me after reading Dr Robert Centor’s post on KevinMD. In his usual concise manner, he laments the lack of respect […]

Doctoring Reflection

Shouldn’t practice make a task easier?

When I started writing this blog 18 months ago, I did so on a whim. I enjoyed posting race reports on our bike team’s e-group. Writing in race-report vernacular, to an e-group of friends, made me laugh. There was zero pressure. Then, I learned about this thing called blogger. They had a ‘publish’ button, which […]